The resources here were mainly accumulated during the pandemic, when we were unable to meet in the building. Since then, there is a regular Sunday School during the Sunday morning service, with varied activities. “Bethel Bunnies” is our parent and toddler group, meeting in the building on Monday afternoons.
Seasonal resources

Sunday School at Home: Holy Week
Craft and activities for Holy Week, including Palm Sunday.

Sunday School at Home – Mothers Day
Craft, activities and lessons to help us appreciate our mothers and to say “Thank you” to God.

Lessons, craft and other activities that you can do at home, especially during the season of Lent.
Sunday School in the building: Gallery
Show larger pictures

The Fruit of the Spirit -
An illustrative experiment for the Fruit of the Spirit -
Painting rocks
There is a stack of resources available online. We may be using some of it as official Sunday School activities, or why not just try some of it at home?

Together @ Home: a variety of activity sheets that can be completed as groups, or by individuals
Kids Sunday School: an amazing index of activity, craft, teaching and resource materials. Very comprehensive, something for everybody here!
Kids of Integrity has lesson plans on a range of subjects for example compassion, which are good for growing character in children. They are for children aged 3-11. They suggest bible verses, stories and activities you can do at home.
Sunday School Network: a store of resources for games, drama and other fun activities (mostly for purchase).
Virtual Sunday School: a regular video resource to inspire lessons and activities at home.
Mazin Miracles: a video lesson resource with a focus on the power of God and the difference that He makes in our lives.
Little Worship Company: For children up to the age of seven. Games, stories and prayers for children to discover God together with their parents.
Guardians of Ancora: For children 8-11. A place where bible stories come alive. Developed by Scripture Union.
Tired Dad: Talks about how Tired Dad does devotionals with children.
AshbourneElim: Resources for Primary aged children.
Feel Real Resources: Helping with children’s mental health.
Youth For Christ: Big Ministries.
Super Book
Popular bible reading app for children.
Super Book on You Tube
The Super Book Show for older kids
Super Book Episode
Children’s Christian Songs you can listen to at Home
Family at Four: Worship for Everyone Website
Nick and Becky Drake and their children host Family at Four. There’s music, fun and games. An episode from the series. Half an hour(ish) teaching and fun for all the family. Check out this episode.
Bethel Music Kids: See the full repertoire, or start with this song.
Resources for Parents
Kitchen Table Resources:
- Full repertoire
- Kitchen Table Project Booklet for Parents
- A Journey Through the Psalms For Parents
- Kitchen Table Blog
Ministry to Children “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego“
Ministry to Children “Daniel and the Lions Den: Games, craft and video activities“
DLTK Growing Together “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego“
Danielle’s Place “Fiery Furnace Bible Craft”
Ministry Ark “Stand Strong” Bible lesson
Pursue God Kids “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego video lesson“
SPCK Assemblies “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Bible lesson“
Virtual Sunday School “Daniel and the Lions Den video“
David and Goliath
Ministry to Children: David and Goliath Bible lesson
DLTK Craft and Bible Activities for Kids: David and Goliath activity resources.
Pursue God Kids: Anyone can win when God is on their side.
Virtual Sunday School: How to make a slingshot!
Ministry Spark: David and Goliath elementary Bible lesson.
Danielle’s Place: “David takes a dare” Sunday School lesson free sample.
BBC schools resources:
Activities for children and families during the Covid restrictions
- Praying a rainbow: using a rainbow to help us to pray
- Looking to the Rainbow: lockdown song by Becky Drake, along with activities to help you make your own video!
- Prayers and colouring activities: specially for when you are feeling anxious
- Ministry to Children activities and resources: to help parents and Children’s Workers care for children
- Kidology: lots of resources for parents and children to do together.
Note: On their web site, you will need to sign up for a free subscription to access a selection of these resources, or take out a paid subscription to access all resources. - KonnectHQ Church at Home: video services for families to watch together.
- Minno Church at Home: very colourful video services for families to watch together.
Note: On their web site, you will need to sign up if you want to access more than the odd resource. - Crossroads Kids Club: videos and discussion ideas to help the family talk together about the Lord.
- St Johns Mead: they put up a new video most weeks and their children and families worker dresses up and acts out the story!
- Croxley Baptist Church Junior Church: lots of resources for at home, and links to their latest Messy Church ideas.
General information about Coronavirus, to help families learn about it, and to cope with infection if it happens
- Hello, I’m Coronavirus
- Helping children to stay safe
- Living safely: how and why
- Albert and social distancing: a picture story for young children
- How to talk to your kids about Coronavirus: a practical article with a Christian perspective.
- Mum, what does God think of Coronavirus?: advice when your children ask those questions.
- While we can’t hug: simple video to help children who rely upon close contact
- Talking faith at home: talking about Corona
- Keep it simple, stick to the facts: BBC on Corona
- Sally Lloyd-Jones: Helping children deal with scary news
Baptist Union Coronavirus resources for children, young people and families
“Faith in Kids” and “Faith in Parents” podcasts: the Kids Podcasts are for children aged 3-11 and cover a variety of subjects from Sheep to the Coronavirus. The Parents Podcasts are for parents and give great advice about how to encourage children in their faith and help them in their daily walk with God. And how to talk to children about Jesus. New podcasts are published regularly, so consider bookmarking the page or subscribing to the podcast.
Defined is a faith based podcast for young people about changing the narrative. We believe every young person has value, worth and a God given potential, because the bible has defined that. Join us as we explore a wide range of topics as we look through the lens of John 10:10 living life to the full. The podcast is produced locally by Josh Thomas, youth leader at Tytherington Family Worship. Find it on any of these popular apps – Spotify, Apple podcasts, Amazon, Google.