Bethel Baptist Church
Worship Service @ Home
18 August 2024
“Blessed be the name of the Lord. His love endures forever. We become His children when we believe in Jesus. He is the Good Shepherd who looks after His sheep, blessing us and encouraging us with new mercies every day. Let us follow and obey Him at all times and give Him all the glory.”
… but only one thing is needed …
Luke 10:42
How are our times with the Lord going? Are we spending at least half an hour in His Presence in prayer and worship, and half an hour in the Scriptures each day?
It seems from this account of Martha and Mary that only one thing was needed at that particular point in time, to spend time with Jesus. Jesus wanted it; Mary wanted it; but Martha was distracted from it. We all need food to survive, that goes without saying. But here it seems Jesus wants us to get our priorities right.
We see this in Jesus’ life in His relationship with His heavenly Father. He sometimes didn’t eat; other times He left the crowds to be alone with His Father. Other times He ate, even with crowds of people. He was led by the Spirit and was obedient to the Spirit’s promptings. This is what Martha missed and Mary got right. Jesus can so easily be forgotten in our busy, busy lives.
It occurred to me when I was a younger Christian, that I never ever missed my meal times, breakfast, lunch evening meals, and snacks in between. But I did miss my times with the Lord, often realising this just as I was about to get into bed. “I’ll make it up tomorrow Lord”, but never did! And yet as we keep that discipline like we do with our meal times, the longing to be with the Lord increases and deepens. Every day there is a time when only one thing is needed and we must make sure we do it …
Quote of the week
All earthly delights are but “streams.” But God is the ocean.
Jonathan Edwards
Verse of the week
O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You, In a dry and thirsty land, Where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.
Psalm 63:1-2
Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, we know what we must do but so often the spirit is willing and the flesh is weak. Help us Lord, strengthen, increase those longings for You and to be with You. Let us seek You early, and let the rivers of living water satisfy our thirsty souls in Jesus Christ, Amen.