28 February 2021: All kinds of prayer

Sunday School at Home

King of me

Have you ever wished you were King, or Queen? What would you do if you were? A King or Queen is supposed to look after the people, and we have somebody very special who looks after us.

Standing in the need of prayer

Do you need anything just now? Do you have a friend or family member who needs something right now? Did you know that God already knows what we need? He does, but He wants us to come and ask Him anyway. He likes to hear us pray.

If you would like to sing along with the “Standing in the need of prayer” song but your voice is not as squeaky as those vegetables, try this one where the words are displayed, and sing along!

Object lesson on prayer

There are different kinds of prayer: prayer is not just about asking God to give us something. Can you think what other kinds of prayer there are? This activity video will help you remember the different kinds of prayer: God wants to hear us say all of these kinds of prayer.

IMPORTANT: this is an activity to watch, or to do when an adult is watching you carefully. Do not try these activities on your own. Watch the video, and you will see why!